Employee Work Time Log Management - A Web App that helps the payroll department to review the employees' working hours
Employee Work Time Log Management - A Web App to review and manage employees' working hours
Project Working Demo Video: YouTube Link (to be updated soon)
Application Screenshots are mentioned at the end of this blog file
Project source code Link: EmployeeWorkTimeLogMgmt - GitHub
- To maintain a working time log of all the employees
(this will be useful to run the payroll since the working hours of each
employee is recorded)
Tech Involved
- Frontend languages, Python, Django, sqllite3, Bootstrap
- Python: 3.6.2 || Django: 2.0.3 || Sqllite3
- Register an Employee of a particular department
- Log working hours
- Retrieve the working hours log report via Mail,
Document, PDF, Image
Concepts Involved
- Django, Bootstrap v3.3.7
Future Code
- Enhancement tweaks
Instructions to run this code in your machine:
In console (Tested in Windows using GitBash
cmd) - follow the steps
- Step 1: Make sure Python setup is available in your
machine (coded when python was on version 3.6.2) & do django version
as 2.0.3
- Step 2: Open console command prompt or gitbash (I love
git bash. Try this one)
- Step 3: Pull this code to your machine and run it
(Install git and use git bash for the followings) (you could also do git
clone and proceed from Step 3.4)
- Step 3.1: Create a folder and do
- git init
- Step 3.2: Add this repo as your remote origin
- git remote add origin https://github.com/vivekVells/EmployeeWorkTimeLogManagement
- Step 3.3: Pull the code in this repo to your remote
- git pull origin master
- Step 3.4: Move to the directory 'emptimeclklogmgmt'
- Vivek-Pc@kev MINGW64
/e/kevDev/ProjectWorks/EmployeeWorkTimeLogManagement (master) $ cd emptimelogmgmt/
- Step 3.5: Make migrations and migrate
- Vivek-Pc@kev MINGW64
(master) $ python manage.py
makemigrations emptimeclklogmgmt Vivek-Pc@kev MINGW64
(master) $ python manage.py migrate --run-syncdb
- Step 3.6: Run the server and goto port link:
- Vivek-Pc@kev MINGW64
(master) $ python manage.py
- Step 4: In 'Login Page', click 'Register User' and
register the user
- Step 5: In 'New Registration Page', create the user
- Step 6: In 'Login Page', input the login credentials
and toto 'Time Clock Home Page' and log your working hours
Thank you for reading my blog.
Have a great day.
Contact Info: techengineervivekvells@gmail.com / techengineervivek@gmail.com
Check out :
Github || Vivek Vellaiyappan Google+ || Vivek Vellaiyappan Youtube
Contact Info: techengineervivekvells@gmail.com / techengineervivek@gmail.com
Check out :
Github || Vivek Vellaiyappan Google+ || Vivek Vellaiyappan Youtube
App Working Functionality Previews
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Employee Work Time Log Management v.10 |
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